Super Galactic Dodgeball

-In the year 2092, humans found themselves in desperate peril with constant food and water conflict and over population reaching critical capacity. There needed to be another solution besides war. Thus, the Planetary Exploration Corp. was created to expand the territory of Earth and allow for Planetary exploration and relocation. For several years we lived at peace, until we reached into the unknown expanse of space.

-Soon other alien races learned of our arrival, and we began to join and form alliances. But there are other races of aliens who are not willing to work with the humans.

-The aliens declared war. After thousands of lives lost the two sides proposed a better competitive alternative way to winning the battles for space.


-The two side developed the tools required to battle for the resources of the galaxy through planetary triumph. The fields are the star systems, and the opponents are the planets fighting for the resources of the planets. The planet to win the match or tournament of systems will be declared victor of the galaxy. 


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Great demonstration of the mechani.  It's easy to understand and enjoyable to interact with. I would have to agree with Millie that the input system can be design to be more aligned with the experience. I.e. Since the experience involves shooting, maybe player character can rotate with mouse to help make aiming easier. But overall this is a really solid prototype.

Lots of fun! I enjoyed trying to score through the hologram goals. The player controller is a bit frustrating because it prevents you from moving and jumping simultaneously. You have to stop moving, jump, then move again in the air. Enjoyable art style and overall a very nice game.